Laser Hair Removal Before and After of Male Patient's TorsoThe Benefits of Getting Laser Hair Removal Treatment

In your lifetime, how many hours have you devoted to plucking, shaving and waxing unwanted hair from your body? Imagine how much time you’d free up by removing it once and for all. In years past, this meant undergoing electrolysis, which involved sending electric currents into hair follicles through fine needles that were inserted into the skin. Thankfully, a better option is now available: laser hair removal. Learn about the value of laser hair removal and why it’s one of Advanced Aesthetic Med Spa’s most popular services.

Five Benefits of Laser Hair Removal


Clock Depicting Saving Time

Save Time

Healthy hair never stops growing. Without permanently removing it, you will continue spending significant periods of your life waxing, shaving and plucking it away. Removing hair with lasers is much faster than electrolysis because larger areas can be covered at one time. Therefore, the procedure itself is fast, and it will save you countless hours of maintenance down the line.

Hand Holding Money Symbol

Save Money

While the initial upfront costs of removing hair with lasers may make you raise an eyebrow, it’s important to consider the big picture. Once the work is done, the days of paying for razors, wax, shaving cream and other necessities will be over. Razor blades, in particular, are pricey, so you stand to save thousands of dollars over your lifetime by having the hair permanently removed.

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Quick Results

Unlike electrolysis, which is a painstaking process that only covers incredibly small areas at a time, removing hair with lasers is fairly expedient. That’s partly because the process covers an area that’s the size of a quarter each second. Lasers specifically target coarse, dark hair, so they are also very efficient.

Close Up of Hair Follicles

Remove Hair Between Treatments

Another big advantage of laser hair removal is that you don’t have to let the hair grow out to undergo treatment. This means that you can schedule subsequent treatments fairly close to each other, so you should be able to accomplish your goals in a shorter period of time. Besides, who wants to walk around with hairy legs until their next hair removal session rolls around?

value of laser hair removal longer lasting results icon Ocala Advanced aestheticsocala

Long-Lasting Results

This type of hair removal provides long-lasting and, many times, permanent results. Since you won’t have to worry about plucking, shaving or waxing away the unwanted hair anymore, you won’t have to worry about ingrown hairs, nicks, cuts and other issues anymore, either. The process is completely safe and incredibly precise. The best part about it of all, though, is having one less thing to worry about when it comes to daily grooming habits.


If you’re ready to ditch razors, wax, tweezers and other painful hair removal tools and techniques once and for all, laser removal may be the answer. Advanced Aesthetics Med Spa provides this service to residents of the greater Ocala area. You can learn more about it by contacting us. If you’re ready to take the plunge now, give us a call to schedule an appointment.