Every year, our staff sees hundreds of Ocala men and women who are fed up with their loose and sagging skin. And we understand! Aging isn’t fun. After years of sun exposure, weight gain, and loss, or pregnancy, many of our patients get discouraged with their reflection. We know you want to feel confident in your skin so you can enjoy our beautiful Florida beaches, so let us help with our revolutionary skin tightening treatments at Advanced Aesthetics Med Spa.
Many men and women think that skin tightening is invasive and painful like it was in the past, but thankfully, that’s not the case today. With our gentle approach to skin tightening using the TempSure Envi system, our patients can come in for a quick treatment session during their lunch hour and get back to work with no downtime needed! And better still, TempSure Envi skin tightening treatments can be used on all skin tones and types and is effective on almost any area of the body. Here are 5 tips from our team on how you can reduce signs of aging on your body with skin tightening:
1. Reduce the Appearance of Facial Fine Lines and Wrinkles
For most men and women, signs of aging mean more when they’re on the face. After all, your face is the most prominent feature of your body. If you’ve started noticing fine lines and wrinkles on your face but aren’t ready to go under the knife for a facelift, call our office today to find out more about how our skin tightening treatments can benefit you. As they say, we want to help you put your best face forward!
2. Get Rid of Cellulite on Your Buttocks
Cellulite on the back of the legs and buttocks is another huge frustration for women in particular. Sometimes no matter how many squats you do or how many diets you try, nothing ever seems to change in this area. It can be daunting and even restrictive, as many Ocala women choose to hide their legs when visiting the beach or pool during the summer. If this is an area of concern for you, our team can help with a series of skin tightening treatments. Just call today to learn more.
3. Tighten Loose Skin on Your Abdomen
For moms in the area who have been through pregnancy, the tummy area is often one of the preferred areas of treatment for skin tightening. After baby has made his home in your belly and stretched your skin beyond what you knew possible, you may be left with excess skin hanging from your abdomen. Instead of turning to plastic surgery and choosing to have a tummy tuck, let our team at Advanced Aesthetics Med Spa help with TempSure Envi skin tightening. You’ll be amazed at the changes!
4. Wave “Goodbye” to Underarm Flab
Yet another frustrating sign of aging – underarm flab can afflict Ocala men and women in all stages of adulthood. It can be embarrassing to wave goodbye to a loved one, only to feel a little too much movement under your upper arm. Skin tightening treatments at Advanced Aesthetics Med Spa can decrease that extra movement and tighten your underarm skin so you can wave goodbye in confidence.
5. Reduce the Sagging Skin Under Your Chin
As we’ve mentioned, the effects of aging happen all over the body. Lax, sagging skin happens in the most inconvenient places. One, in particular, being under your chin. With TempSure Envi skin tightening treatments, our team can restore your confidence by decreasing that sagging skin under your chin and giving your profile a boost!
Let Advanced Aesthetics Med Spa in Ocala Restore Your Skin to its Youthful Appearance With Skin Tightening
Now that you know some of the tips to reducing signs of aging with skin tightening, why wait? Learn more about how skin tightening can change your life for the better!
Contact our Ocala office at (352) 620-2566 to schedule your free consultation today.